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"+ newValue; } return newValue; } function has_children_labels(value) { if (value !== '' && value.length > 0) { return (value.indexOf("= 0); } return false; } function fill_children_labels(value) { var newValue = value; var ini = 0; while (true) { var iLabel=newValue.indexOf('', fName); len = eLabel-(iLabel+2); oldText = newValue.substr(iLabel+2, len); newText = get_first_valid_label_text(id); newValue = ReplaceAt(newValue, oldText, newText, iLabel, eLabel); ini = eLabel+9; if (ini > newValue.length) { break; } } else { break; } } return newValue; } function get_first_valid_label_text(id) { var newText = empty_spacer; $('label[name="'+id+'"]').each(function() { var text = $(this).html(); if (text !== empty_spacer) { newText = text; return false; } }); return newText; } function after_changed_element(obj, e) { on_change_html_element(obj, true, e); set_array_user_answers(obj, true, false, null, e); } function set_array_user_answers(obj, replaceParent, textException, valTextException, e) { var q_id = id = val = null; var type = $(obj).data("quest-type"); if (type === 'MULTIPLE') { var parent = $(obj).parents(".checkbox-group").eq(0); q_id = $(parent).data("question-id"); id = $(parent).attr("id"); val = get_all_multiple_values(id); } else { q_id = $(obj).data("question-id"); id = $(obj).attr("id"); val = $(obj).val(); opt = $("#"+id+" option:selected"); /* Answer labels*/ var answer_labels = get_answer_labels(opt); if (answer_labels !== null && answer_labels.length) { set_array_user_answer_labels(q_id, id, answer_labels); } } if (id!==undefined && id!==null && id!=='') { val = format_text_value(val); var text = ''; $('label[name="'+id+'"]').each(function() { text = $(this).html(); text = format_text_value(text); return false; }); if (text.trim() === '' && textException && valTextException !== null) { text = format_text_value(valTextException); } val = my_escape(val); text= my_escape(text); arrUserAnswers[q_id] = "";/*Clean*/ arrUserAnswers[q_id] = [id,type,val,text]; /*Replace Text in parent container*/ if (replaceParent) { set_parent_item_user_answer(q_id, id); } } } function set_array_user_answer_labels(q_id, id, answer_labels) { for (i=0; i < answer_labels.length; i++) { var name = answer_labels[i]['name']; var val = my_escape(answer_labels[i]['desc']); arrUserAnswersLabels[name] = "";/*Clean*/ arrUserAnswersLabels[name] = [name, val]; } } function get_answer_labels(obj) { var answer_labels = null; if (obj !== null && obj.length) { var attrib_names = [].filter.call(obj[0].attributes, function (at) { return /^data-label-name-/.test(at.name); }); var attrib_descs = [].filter.call(obj[0].attributes, function (at) { return /^data-label-desc-/.test(at.name); }); if (attrib_names.length && attrib_descs.length) { answer_labels = []; for (var i = 0; i < attrib_names.length; i++) { answer_labels.push({name: attrib_names[i].value, desc: attrib_descs[i].value}); } } } return answer_labels; } function set_parent_item_user_answer(q_id, id) { var parent = get_parent_container(q_id, id); if (parent != null) { q_id = parent.question_id; id = parent.code; $('label[name="'+id+'"]').each(function() { text = $(this).html(); text = format_text_value(text); return false; }); text = my_escape(text); if (typeof arrUserAnswers[q_id] == 'undefined') { } else { arrUserAnswers[q_id][3] = text; } } } function get_parent_container(q_id, id) { if (typeof arrTemplateQuestions!=='undefined') { var str = $('#dependent_questions').val(); var list = JSON.parse(str); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var item = list[i]; if (item.id == q_id) { return get_template_question("question_id", item.depends_on); } } } return null; } function get_template_question(attribute, dependsOn) { var result = null; for (i=0; i= 0) { $(this).addClass("selected-background"); } }); } function list_label_for() { var list = []; $('.template.questions label').each(function() { list.push($(this).attr('for')); }); return list; } function format_long_date(value) { if (value!==null && value!=='' && undefined!==value) { var from = value.split("/"); value = ''; if (from.length == 3) { var year = from[2]; var month = gijgo_locale === 'en-us' ? from[0]-1 : from[1]-1; var day = gijgo_locale === 'en-us' ? from[1] : from[0]; var date = new Date(year, month, day); value = isNaN(date.getTime())?'':formatTextDate(date); } } else { value = ''; } return value; } function move_to_first_template_question(e) { if ($('.form-control.question').length) { $('.form-control.question').each(function() { $(this).focus(); return false; }); } } function get_obfuscate_tooltip() { var str = "
"+ "Los párrafos borrosos se visualizarán en la descarga"+ "
"; return str; } function getCurrentDatetime() { var date = new Date(); var cur_day = date.toJSON().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,'/'); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var seconds = date.getSeconds(); if (hours < 10) { hours = "0" + hours; } if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } if (seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + seconds; } return cur_day + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } /*Finds y value of given object*/ function findPos(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); return [curtop]; } } ;